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God's Love - SWAG Senior group

Public·1 member

God's Love Community Outreach
September 19, 2021 · updated the description of the group.

SWAG (Senior Wellness and Awareness Group)

A service provided to assist Seniors in living healthier and longer lives by empowering Seniors how to advocate for themselves, as well as healthy communication skills.

Contact the Greater Randolph Area Support Program (GRASP) for enrollment.

GRASP Senior Citizen Center

250 Donalan Converse, Texas 78109 (210) 658-6351

God has commissioned us to make dicisples by bringing them into total commitment to Christ (Matt. 10:24-39).

~We must encourage them to make Christ Lord of their lives.

~We must encourage them to reflect the character of God in every area of their lives.

~We must encourage them to be willing to take a stand and experience hardship for the cause of Christ realizing they are never alone!

Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share photos.


    SWAG (Senior Wellness and Awareness Group) A service provid...

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